They Drew Fire: A WWII D-Day Webquest




Your journal will be graded based on the following rubric:
RUBRIC Sergeant
3 points
2 points
1 point
0 points
Cover sheet Includes all required elements, properly identifying and summarizing research of first-person accounts. Missing one or more required elements. First-person research summary may be unclear, but documentation is verifiable. Cover page does not include photo or student's name. Documentation of first-person research is missing or unverifiable. No cover sheet.

Writing:  Spelling, Grammar, and style

Writing has hardly any spelling or grammar mistakes. There is a clear beginning, middle and end to the writing. Proper changes from draft were implemented.

Writing has some spelling or grammar mistakes. It's hard to tell where the beginning, middle and end of the writing is. Incorporates changes from draft.

Writing has many spelling or grammar mistakes. No clear beginning, middle and end. Changes and corrections requested from draft were inconsistently made.

Writing has many spelling and grammar mistakes. No clear structure. Changes and corrections requested from draft not made.
Character Building: Journal shows a fully rounded human being, with identifying information that flows from the narrative which includes: name, age, nationality, home town, task, and occupation Journal shows well-developed character, identifying most of the characteristics, but the description is more a list than part of the narrative. Narrative missing many or all vital descriptions about the character. Person is vague and difficult to understand.  Narrative missing all vital character descriptions.

Historical facts:

Journal properly identifies the battle and its military objectives. The writing is clear and easy to understand.

Journal describes  battle and objectives, but some ideas are not very clear or developed.

Writing shows the student does not understand the battle. Many areas are unclear and hard to understand.

No battle specified or almost entirely in error. Shows no understanding of D-Day or WWII on any level.

Personal narrative:

Student has created a believable narrative, showing strong grasp of what D-Day meant from a personal perspective. Provides vivid descriptions using all the senses, and showing the strong feelings of the character.

Writing shows that the student has an understanding of D-Day on a personal level. Descriptions are adequate, but not vivid. Narrative is sometimes vague and impersonal. 

Writing shows that the student does not understand events of D-Day on a personal level. Many areas are unclear and hard to understand. Descriptions lack personal details and feeling.

The writing fails to "get inside the head" of the character. Most areas are unclear and hard to understand.
Length     Meets minimum of 600 words in length. Less than 600 words.
Presentation: Clear presentation lasting 2 to 5 minutes. Well rehearsed and planned. Conveyed strong information, and may have even included visual aids. Had clear structure of beginning, middle, and end. Informative presentation, but could presentation is awkward and could have used more rehearsal and organization. Structure is unclear, lacking defined beginning, middle, and end. Presentation less than 2 minutes and/or lacked any apparent structure.

 Maximum score of 20 points.

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 Copyright 2004 by Jo Davidsmeyer. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 06/28/12.