Issue 10 of Strange New Worlds Science Fiction Collectors Magazine was published Oct/Nov 1993.Feature articles:Lincoln Enterprises: A Little Piece of Star Trek Majel Barrett: a brief biography Practical Gifts for Star Trek Fans The Star Fleet of Hallmark Columns:MODELS AND MINIATURES WHO CORNER FOCUS ON FANDOM THE ARTFUL COLLECTOR COLLECTIBLE KIDS INTERGALACTIC BAZAAR YE OLDE COLLECTIBLES & TRIVIA SHOPPE Issue 10 ã 1993 by Strange New Worlds. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior express written consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved. All materials are believed accurate, but we cannot assume responsibility for their accuracy or application. We do not endorse any products or services advertised in this publication.STAR TREK TM & ã Paramount Pictures. Star Trek is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures.STAR WARS is a registered trademark of LucasFilms, Ltd. (LFL) |